Children’s Ministry
If you’re interested in volunteering with our children’s ministry—whether by serving in the nursery (birth through age 2), teaching or assisting with Sunday school, or helping with kids’ activities on Wednesday nights—please let a member of the Children’s Ministry Committee know or email us at We’re always in need of volunteers and would love to help you get plugged in to serve!
Wednesday Nights: Kids on Track
6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Gym
Kids ages preschool through 6th grade are invited to participate in our Wednesday night activities where we’ll worship, do crafts & games, dig into God’s Word, and have fun learning about Jesus together!
Spring 2025 Wednesday night classes will resume on Wednesday, January 22 and will run through Wednesday, April 30; classes will not meet the week of March 24-28 due to Spring Break. This semester we are walking through the book The Big Book of Questions and Answers about Jesus by Sinclair Ferguson.
Nursery (ages birth to 2) is provided on Wednesday nights in the nursery room across from the gym beside the children’s ministry office.
Contact Us!
If you would like to volunteer with Children’s Ministry (nursery age through 6th grade) or have any questions for the Children’s Ministry Team, click the button below—we’d love to get you plugged in to serve and/or hear your feedback!
CPC Children’s Ministry Vision
The Children’s Ministry of Community Presbyterian Church exists to glorify God by assisting families through Equipping, Encouraging, Engaging, and Evangelism that makes known to all generations the covenant promises of God, in prayerful hope that our children would come to know God and enjoy Him forever. We strive to accomplish this by purposefully submitting to the absolute authority of Scripture, which teaches the good news that the sovereign Triune God of the universe has graciously chosen to save a people for Himself and to have a relationship with them.
God has ordained the family unit to be the primary source for teaching and discipling children. The CPC Children’s Ministry seeks to come alongside parents to assist them in this essential role. As such, equipping comes in several forms, including practical application, resources, opportunities for training, and teaching through a biblical worldview that reflects our Reformed/ covenantal beliefs. Through this biblical worldview, we seek to glorify God, always pointing to Jesus, and living in a manner worthy of the gospel.
We understand that because of humanity’s fallen nature, parenting is difficult. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are part of a covenant community, united through Christ, each with our own unique gifts and graces to be used for the edification of others. The CPC Children’s Ministry strives to partner with and encourage parents in the “...raising of their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b). In addition, we also seek to teach children the importance of “obeying your parents in the Lord, for this is right. And to ‘Honor your father and mother’, which is the first commandment accompanied by a promise, namely ‘that it will go well with you and that you will live a long time on the earth’” (Ephesians 6:1-3).
Encouraging parents, uniting together in love, is a beautiful and vital part of the covenant family. We agree to undertake the responsibility of assisting parents in the spiritual nurturing of their children.
In order to equip and encourage, the CPC Children’s Ministry, as well as the church leaders, agree that we must be willing to engage with both parents and children on topics and conversations that are hard and uncomfortable, yet also meet people where they are as they navigate today’s world and culture. We also connect with parents and children by sharing in the joys and triumphs! As we participate in the sorrows and joys, we do so through the lens of our biblical worldview, giving glory to God in all circumstances.
Engagement does not come without relationship, and it is our desire to be involved in the lives of families so that we can know, love, and point to Jesus. This is done through corporate worship, the teaching of God’s Word during Sunday School and Wednesday night activities, personal and corporate fellowship, and serving together.
The CPC Children’s Ministry is committed to actively helping parents disciple their children. Simultaneously, we recognize that we are commanded to go into the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). As such, it is our desire to see our children equipped and encouraged to engage the world and current culture to actively proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Children’s Ministry of Community Presbyterian Church is committed to being intentional in covenantal discipleship that is informational, relational, and transformational, that by this we will reflect God’s glory through the unity we have in Christ.
“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. ”
Nursery is provided during Sunday school and church on Sundays for children birth-age 2. We also offer nursery during Wednesday night activities from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. as well. Click below to view our Nursery Parent/Caregiver Handbook. Our monthly schedules of volunteers for Sundays are listed below.