Youth Ministry

Sunday nights 5:45-6:45 p.m. at the church followed by dinner & fellowship until 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the church

In the context of the larger Community Presbyterian Church family, CPC Youth seeks to build a grace-centered community of students who become so captivated by Christ’s love for them that this same love overflows in supportive relationships with one another and in a heart for those who don’t know Christ.

CPC Youth meets weekly on Sunday evenings as a large group from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. at the church and then go to a member’s home for dinner and fellowship until 8:00 p.m. We also meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in smaller groups (junior high girls, junior high boys, senior high girls, senior high boys).

Sunday School

Youth boys are going through the book of Jonah| Led by Andrew Wilder and Brandon Ellis

Junior high girls are going through The Dangerous Duty of Delight | Led by Maja Clayton

Senior high girls are going through New Morning Mercies | Led by Virginia Tillery

Wednesday Nights

The Heidelberg Catechism | Youth will be divided up into classes: Youth boys (Justin Fisher), junior high girls (Grace Stanard), senior high girls (Christie Mac Segars)

Youth Ministry Values

The following values are the non-negotiables that help us to accomplish the mission of CPC Youth.

  • Christ is the center of our attention as we seek to study God’s Word and walk in repentance and faith with one another. Thus, CPC Youth is committed to providing contexts for the teaching and studying of God’s Word as well as the authority and sufficiency of the Bible, our utter dependence upon Christ and high faith expectations of what God will do in and through His people, and a relentless focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe every person is created in the image of God. Every believer is a valued member of God’s family, and every unbeliever is possibly one of the lost sheep Christ is calling to himself. Thus, we will demand respect for every person; CPC Youth must be a safe place for everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, offering a welcoming and appealing environment for both Christian and unbelieving, non-Christian students.

  • CPC Youth values the authority of church leadership and structure. We are committed to participating in the life of the church and desire to be the means of assimilation for unbelievers into the church family. As such, we expect CPC Youth to be involved in the life of the whole church as we seek to see students and their families use youth ministry as a side-door of entering the life of Community Presbyterian Church.

  • CPC Youth highly values the relationships we build with one another, encouraging one another, praying for each other’s needs and spiritual growth, and deepening friendships. As a result, we expect participation in one another’s lives in meaningful ways. Peer accountability is fundamental. Group meeting times, as well as trips and retreats during the year, are necessary and essential in building and developing relationships.

  • CPC Youth strive to develop a Christian worldview among students, helping them see acts of mercy, justice, and service, so that they may tell others of the good news about Jesus. We work from a missional perspective, participating in various hands-on ministries, service projects, mission trips, evangelism training, etc.