Because of the lingering effects of the fall, every generation of Christians tends to have their own self-centered concept of true and genuine worship. We’re pretty sure we’ve “got it” while either the past or emerging generations don’t even come close! Be assured that we at Community Presbyterian Church don’t yet “have it” (whatever “it” is) but are rather seeking to enjoy the rich heritage of the church’s music and blend it with some of the new. And even this concept isn’t original—it’s been done many, many times throughout the history of the church.
Angel Harp and Human Voice is merely our first contribution to the rich and beautiful assortment of music that is designed to bring glory and honor to our Redeemer and King, Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that in listening to these songs you will, if only for a moment, taste His grace, His sweetness, His love, His mercy and His might. May Jesus be praised!